Preis | 14.99 EUR inkl. MwSt. ohne Versand |
Artikelnummer | 804696 |
Artist | Various |
Jahr | 1990 |
Land | UK |
Tracks | 0 |
Zustand | nm |
Zustand Beschreibung | Fast 100%ig neu oder sogar ungespielt. Das Cover sieht fast perfekt aus, keinerlei Abrisse, Knicke, keine Schrift oder ähnliches |
Format | (Musik) Magazin groß (Versand gefalzt) / (music) magazine large (folded shipping) |
Format-Typ | MAG |
Beschreibung | Orig. Vintage UK Magazine In nm Condition, Shipping Will be Folded In A Stable Card-Envelope, Contact Us If You Want It Shipped Rolled Which Would Cost Extra. Inc. Betty Boo Titlefeature + Other Artists Featuring Natalie Merchant Bob Geldof EMF Galliano Tav Falco Pale Saints Also Inc. Adverts (Fullpage =FP, Halfpage = HP, Thirdpage = TP, Quarterpage etc. = QP) By Inspiral Carpets (HP + TP) Marc Almond (QP) Jimmy Somerville (FP) Sindecut (HP) Youssou N'Dour (HP) Hindu Love Gods (HP) Holly Johnson (FP) Proclaimers (HP) Sisters Of Mercy (HP) Bloomsday (HP) Electribe 101 (HP) World Of Twist (HP) Fields Of The Nephilim (QP) |